Referendum: CBI statistical dirty tricks

When the CBI came out with its view on the EU referendum, it claimed that 84% of its member companies wanted to remain.

A more detailed look into the statistics cited has revealed that it only approached 624 of its 8,000 members. Only 205 replied and those replies were reportedly weighted according to the size of the member company responding.  Equally, there is no detail of the selection methods used in this ostensibly unrepresentative sample.

Statistically the sample and the result appear to be completely distorted to favour the Remain camp, which, for a supposedly reputable institution, is shocking and does a disservice to the organisation and our country.

In the referendum voters will only have one vote and, barring dirty tricks, hopefully they won’t be weighted.

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  1. citihag says:

    Important to know this stuff. Too much spin from both sides leaves voters confused.

    Liked by 1 person

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